To all parents of competitors:

Thank you for your commitment to your students and this community. Please review the following parameters.

Supervision of Students

Every competitor must be accompanied by a parent. Your student will not be able to check-in at the tournament without an accompanying parent. If you desire to send your child with another adult chaperone, you must get direct approval from Jeremy Zilkie, Tournament Director, [email protected].

If approved by the Tournament Director, chaperones/guardians must carry signed Medical Release Forms for their students.

Judging Requirements

All parents are expected to judge. You will need to register as a judge before completing your student registration. For each debate event that your student(s) are registered in, you must judge at least 3 rounds.

All parents who have not attended Judge Orientation are required to attend Judge Orientation before judging at this tournament. Judge Orientation will be offered 45 minutes before each round.

All parents should report to Ballot Push 30 minutes prior to each debate round to assure that all judging slots are filled.

Bringing Food from Home

Please keep food and beverages in designated areas at all times. In addition, please clean up after yourselves following each meal, and be certain that you return all food and paper goods to your vehicle or hotel by the end of each day. Thank you for your cooperation.

Questions or Problems

If you have a unique circumstance that does not allow you to fulfill the above requirements, then please email Jeremy Zilkie at [email protected].

Thank you for your commitment to these students. We hope that you have a great tournament!

ARCH Speech & Debate Club