Junior Event Summary/Rules
Junior Debate
Type of Debate: 2 Person/Partners - We highly recommend ages 10 and up for debate.
Rules: Junior Debate Rules
Junior Apologetics
Prep Time: 2 minutes
Maximum Speaking Time: Up to 5 minutes
Rules: Junior Apol Rules
Junior Apol Topics
Who were Jesus' disciples and why are they important?
What are the fruits of the Holy Spirit and why are they important?
How can Christians know they are saved?
What is prayer and why is it important?
What are the Ten Commandments and why are they important?
What is the Gospel, and why is it important?
What does the Bible say about heaven?
Can God forgive the same sin over and over?
Why is Jesus' resurrection important?
What does it mean to have faith?
How do we know if the Bible is really true?
Why did Jesus have to die?
Junior Expository
Set Up Time: 2 minutes
Maximum Speaking Time: Up to 5 minutes
Rules: Junior Expos Rules
Junior Platform
Maximum Speaking Time: Up to 5 minutes
Rules: Junior Platform Rules
Junior Impromptu
Prep Time: 2 minutes
Speaking Time: Up to 3 minutes
Rules: Junior Impromptu Rules
Jr Impromptu Round 1 Topics: TBD (Check back later)
Jr Impromptu Round 2 Topics: TBD (Check back later)
Junior Interpretation
Includes: Individual and Duo Interpretation
Maximum Speaking Time: Up to 5 minutes
Rules: Juniors Interp Rules
Junior Story Reading
Time: Up to 5 minutes
Story: Published. The book must be read by the student (although student encouraged to hold it up to show pictures--think of Library Story Time!)
1. Student will introduce the Title and Author before beginning to read.
2. Students will hold the book as they read.
3. Students may skip pages, paragraphs, etc. in order to trim a story down to the five minute time limit.
4. Students should NOT memorize the piece, but are encouraged to practice expressive reading with their voice and face conveying the message.
5. Students may sit or stand to deliver their story.
6. Does not need to be a picture book, although picture books are highly recommended.