Community Judges

Community Judges are a crucial and integral part of our tournament. They bring unique perspective while sharing valuable information with our students. This is an important connection that builds relationships beyond the competition, blessing everyone involved. When people come and serve as a Community Judge, they are always so blessed by what they have see and been a part of. In fact, the quote heard most by Community Judges is "That was wonderful. My hope for the future of our country is greatly increased." This might sound like hyperbole, but it is the honest truth.

If you are a Community Judge reading this page, THANK YOU!!! We are so thankful and could not hold this tournament without you.

If you are A FAMILY competing in ARCH Madness and:

-1) Live here in the St. Louis area, or
-2) Have friends or family in the St. Louis area...

Please consider who you can invite as a Community Judge.

We have a fairly large tournament, and in order to get the number of judges necessary, we need every family to help INVITE and RECRUIT judges.

What can a Community Judge expect?

  • Our tournament runs for 3 days (Thur, Fri, Sat) from 7:30 AM to 9 PM. This gives everyone the chance to judge by providing such a broad range of times each day.
  • When arriving at West County Assembly of God (WCAG) come in the main doors under the covered drive.
  • Once you enter, you will be greeted at the entrance warmly by one of our tournament greeters where they will receive a name badge.
  • Then they will be directed to the Judge Hospitality Room where they are free to get something to eat or drink.
  • Then they go to what we call "Ballot Push" to determine what event they judge that day and at that time, and will likely receive the corresponding BALLOT for that event.
  • Then we will direct them to THE JUDGE'S TRAINING we provide in our Judge Orientation room.
  • Once the training is done, they walk to the competition room, or wait in the Judges Hospitality room for the time the event they are judging begins.
  • We hope they are encouraged and impressed by the students they observe and judge.
  • And when the event is over, they grab their stuff and walk back to the Judges Hospitality room to finish filling out their ballot.
  • Here they grab some more food and/or a beverage, sit down at one of our tables, while they fill out the rest of their ballot.
  • When the ballot is complete, they walk over to the "Ballot Collect" table, have their judging decision verified for accuracy, and then turn in their ballot.
  • At this point Community Judges can "hang out", get some more refreshments, depart the tournament OR...GRAB ANOTHER BALLOT and spend a little more time with us. ;-)
  • Here is a Facebook post with pictures from our tournament in 2021 - 2021 St. Louis Tournament

*We really are SO GRATEFUL for their/your service to us as a Community Judge.

What do I share with a potential Community Judge when inviting them?

  • Tell them about your experience with Speech & Debate.
  • Tell them about the stellar and dynamic students and communicators you have met and witnessed during your visits to ARCH Club or our previous tournament.
  • Tell them that this is important to you and your family and that you would love them to see what you are involved in.
  • Tell them about the edifying community and wonderful families that are also involved.
  • Tell them it is a 2-3 hour commitment to judge one round of speech or debate and it is such a great experience.
  • Tell them the tournament is Thursday, Friday, and Saturday (4/4-4/6) and goes all day, from 7:30 AM to 9 PM and they can choose any block of time therein to come and judge.
  • Tell them it is located at West County Assembly of God church, on the N Outer Road between S Mason Rd & 141 (13431 N Outer 40 Rd, Town and Country, MO 63017).
  • Tell them you will help them register online if they are uncertain about doing it themselves.

How do I get a Community Judge signed up for the tournament?

  • Make a list of persons you think might be willing and/or interested in helping as a Community Judge.
  • Send them this webpage link with all this information about being a Community Judge.
  • Direct them to the Judge Registration page where Community Judges need to register or be registered.
  • As the person inviting, if it is easier, you can enter their registration for them to get them signed up.
  • Sign up is quite simple...and we need the following information: Name, email (for schedule updates and tournament reminders), phone, address & they will create a simple password for their registration/login.
  • Once this info is entered, the next page is a Tournament Schedule with the days/times/events of the judging slots that are available.
  • They will be asked about their judging experience - "no prior experience" is WONDERFUL and SHOULD NOT be a hindrance or deterrent.
  • They will list "Student Conflicts" they might encounter when judging. These would be any students competing with home they have a personal relationship.
  • Finally, they will go to a page that confirms the information they just entered...and then they press the green "Finish" button.

Any Questions??? Please email our Tournament Director, Jeremy Zilkie - [email protected].

REMEMBER...Send your judges to, or sign them up yourselves at to register as a judge for ARCH Madness.